he following regulations/agreements are of special relevance to the Guarantee Fund:
Sect. 12 of the Law on Compulsory Insurance (PflVG) stipulates the prerequisites which have to be met before a victim can claim intervention by the Guarantee Fund for accidents which have occurred since 18 December 2007.
Sect. 12 of the PflVG (old version) stipulates the prerequisites which have to met before a victim can claim intervention by the Guarantee Fund for accidents which occurred until 17 December 2007.
Sect. 13 of the PflVG deals with the delegation of the tasks of the Guarantee Fund to the Association VOH e. V..
Sect. 25 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV) deals with the time limit for liability of the insurer after the expiration of the contract.
Sect. 1 of the PflVG prescribes the obligation to insure for German vehicles.
Sect. 2 of the PflVG stipulates exceptions from the obligation to insure.
Sect. 103 of the Law Concerning the Insurance Contract (VVG) deals with the non-competence of the insurance company in the case of deliberate offences.
The 5th EC Motor Insurance Directive has been the framework stipulated by the EU Commission for amendments to the Law on Compulsory Insurance from 18 December 2007.
The Statutes of the Association contain statements on the purpose and the organization of the Association.
The Regulation on the Compensation Fund deals with details concerning issues of legal supervision and formal requirements for legal actions against the Compensation Fund (Guarantee Fund).