The following regulations/agreements are of special relevance to the Compensation Body:
Sect. 12 of the Law on Compulsory Insurance (PflVG) stipulates the prerequisites which have to be met before a victim can claim intervention by the Compensation Body.
Sect. 13a of the PflVG deals with the delegation of the tasks of the Compensation Body to the Association VOH e. V..
The 4th EC Motor Insurance Directive is the framework stipulated by the EU Commission for the introduction of compensation bodies in Member States.
The Agreement between Compensation Bodies and Guarantee Funds organizes the cooperation between European compensation bodies and guarantee (compensation) funds in Europe with respect to claim handling.
The Explanatory Memorandumcomplements the Agreement between Compensation Bodies and Guarantee Funds.
The Rotterdam Agreement complements the Agreement between Compensation Bodies and Guarantee Funds.
The Statutes of the Association contain statements on the purpose and the organization of the Association.
The overview of the states of the European Economic Area (EEA) shows from which states vehicles involved in the accident have to come, so that the Compensation Body is competent.